Abortion argumentative essay conclusion
Friday, August 28, 2020
How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Book Publicist
The amount Does It Cost to Hire a Book Publicist What amount does a book marketing specialist cost? The short answer is expenses shift primarily as indicated by the administrations offered and the size of the firm you recruit, however generally it is a responsibility that will probably run you thousands, not hundreds, of dollars. If you somehow managed to recruit one of the huge New York-based firms, you would talk six figures, and you would get much something other than a marketing specialist †it would be an increasingly comprehensive PR battle that incorporates promoting, informing, and then some. At that point there are explicit book-and writer related firms that have workplaces in major urban territories that probablyâ will charge a huge task expense to begin. Any administrations like occasion and media booking in visit urban communities, web-based social networking effort, and so forth are charged also. On a book- There are organizations who offer individual individually alternatives for battles for not as much as what it would cost to do a full crusade, including: = Sending your book out to a particular rundown of commentators. = Sending a public statement out to choose radio, TV, print, and online makers/editors. = Radio visits with an ensured number of meetings planned. = Blog visits with a dedication on the quantity of surveys that will be posted. = Individual market battles, for example, a firm that represents considerable authority in booking Los Angeles media and occasions. To limit your costs, you may just request a mailing or a blog visit. A portion of the organizations that handle these occupations are online-based and you may never really address an individual. This is the way they keep their costs in the hundreds - In the event that you recruit a boutique advertising firm, you will probably either pay an undertaking charge or a month to month retainer. It will rely upon what you need and the amount you need the organization to accomplish for you. The costs identified with the sort of relationship with a customer that incorporates singular consideration, telephone gatherings, adaptability, and what I consider to be a long haul, quality association between the customer and the firm will run a few a great many dollars. The primary contemplations are: = What sorts of administrations do you need? = What sort of relationship would you like to have with the organization you are working with? = How much work would you be able to do all alone? What money related assets are sensibly available to you? = Can the organization you need to work with haggle with you to give you the best cluster of administrations at a value that is commonly pleasing? = Can you buy explicit administrations from a similar organization that will give you the best of the two universes: an increasingly customized battle and lower costs? Advertising is a real expertise that takes a great deal of time. Despite the fact that it is in some cases hard to quantify results, have confidence the time and work is being spent.  I think the most significant quality your delegate ought to have is a promise to you and your work.  This individual or organization is going to assist you with picking up presentation and will really acquaint your book with the world in fascinating manners. So when you are searching for a marketing specialist realize that the familiar maxim rings true†â€Å"you get what you pay for†â€and on the off chance that you are searching for somebody who is going to buckle down for your benefit, it isn’t going to be modest.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Philadelphia Primate Head Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Philadelphia Primate Head Study - Essay Example A few decades prior, the government needed to suspend the financing of the University’s Head Injury Clinical Research Laboratory. The supreme president in those days, Sheldon Hackney, further gave an order to stop the institution’s utilization of creature tests planned for finding the best treatment for survivors of injury related cerebrum harm. The mandate filled in as an auspicious reaction to a starter report by the National Institute of Health (NIH) planned for ending a specific mandrill investigate venture (Meyer 1). As I would like to think, the utilization of primates in studies ought to be annulled in light of the fact that it is ill bred to life structures, crooked and conflicts with the morals of advantage and non-wrathfulness. In May 1984, Animal Liberation Front (ALF) activists barged in the abandoned Philadelphia grounds of The University of Pennsylvania and took a few recordings of creatures enduring during different head tests (Orlans 71). The recordings caught over 60 hours of authorized monkey enduring shelling of the primates’ heads utilizing cylinders so as to actuate mind wounds. Individuals for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) made cases that the tapes indicated activities of rehashed infringement of government strategies that administer the altruistic utilization of creatures in explore research centers (Orlans 71). In the examinations, researchers dismissed the utilization of careful asepsis and utilized an exceptionally irrelevant measure of sedation to the primates’ bodies. Advantage alludes to an activity accomplished to serve others through anticipation/expulsion of damage (Beneficence versus Nonmaleficence par.1). The guideline requests that all doctors should avoid hu rting their patients. The analysts in Philadelphia, subsequently, through causing the mandrills gigantic degrees of torment, dismissed the need to watch the standard of value. The excruciating demonstration likewise delineates a critical arrangement of foul play to the creature. I am of the assessment that, regardless of whether a creature needs incredible,
Friday, August 21, 2020
Final project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4
Last venture - Essay Example Except if controlled, these conditions continually brief increasingly important ethnic and racial rivalry and to progressively critical political, social, and financial mistreatment. As indicated by Barusch (264) bigotry is a cutting edge marvel that has been set up for a more drawn out time and it focuses on estrangement and abuse of both monetary and social condition of the people in question. I originate from a metropolitan territory and thus the region is home to all races of the world. In the previous years, there has been struggle between various races living inside the region. The circumstance around the territory can follow its foundations back to when the region was developing with foundation of ventures and other social enhancements. There was a tremendous development of individuals from different areas of the nation looking for employement and better social pleasantries. Consequently, there was an expansion in populace which was comprised of various races. With time, contrasts began ascending among people from various races. There are the individuals who felt to be increasingly better than others. The principle races that have significantly been influenced are the African-American and the Latinos. The prejudice is profoundly showed in the work environments, instructive offices, and among social conveniences like eateries and spots of love. The African-Americans es pecially have been deceived more than different races as they are the minority inside the zone. The arrangement against bigotry will occur in three primary region; Educational foundations, social spots, and in the open spots. The thought is to make social mindfulness and request that individuals remain against prejudice. The accompanying individuals will be engaged with the program; The program will run for a month and will be occurring every day running from Monday to Saturday. The utilization of the Ying Yang will be extremely instrumental as our device or instrument of correspondence. The Yin Yang is known all inclusive to speak to two
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Business Practice Argumentative Essay Topics Options
Business Practice Argumentative Essay Topics Options Moral argumentative essay topics are a few of the simplest to get carried away with. Essays could be lightly modified for readability or to defend the anonymity of contributors, but we don't edit essay examples ahead of publication. In general, you can observe that writing a persuasive essay isn't a brain surgery. An argumentative essay requires you to choose a topic and have a position on it. Ultimately, research intensely and discover out the topics where you believe that you may discover the most sufficient data and brainstorm a list of topics. You should utilize APA reference tools to help in writing your essay the right way or employ an expert essay writer that could write the essay working with the APA reference tools. There are a few particular elements that are necessary in an argumentative essay. Thus, it's important to read corresponding formatting guide. Deciding on your topic isn't that easy. As a result, if you're extremely passionate about the subject and can't assess it objectively, think about switching it. Quite frequently, the very best topic is one which you truly care about, but you also will need to get ready to research it. Selecting an emotional topic is also a great idea. Merely mentioning the similarities and differences isn't enough if one cannot analyze the principal ideas. You don't need to acquire super technical with legal argumentative essays, but make sure you do your homework on what the recent laws about your preferred topic actually say. It might be necessary to liaise with other people to recognize the good compare and contrast essay topics. English language classes usually want a lot of writing. What Business Practice Argumentative Essay Topics Is - and What it Is Not Innovations in businesses should be cautiously thought out since they don't only make positive modifications but also carry an assortment of risks. They offer a number of elements highly important to a country's economy such as employment, productivity and a form of financial security. They thrive when they are able to provide a product people want. Whenever you opt to ask us for skilled help, don't hesitate to speak to our support managers. Hospital administrators will need to develop strong relationships with schools that provide healthcare-related degrees in their regional communities and across the country. If you can't cope with them yourself, you always have the option to submit an application for assistance. Healthcare Administrator research papers note that considering the part of healthcare administration staff within the bigger context of the hospital, it's clear there are lots of issues that administrators will need to deal with. Who Else Wants to Learn About Business Practice Argumentative Essay Topics? There are scores of interesting small business topics for research paper writing. It's important to understand that essay topics are just basic ideas that leave you pondering an idea that might be a huge deal to somebody else. If you select the incorrect subject, you might get stuck with your writing and have a difficult time moving forward. Picking the most suitable topic for a persuasive speech is occasionally not such an easy matter to do as it might appear. There isn't any question that hard work is imperative to be effective in life. Pay close attention to all things electronic, and you will be certain to find something debatable of what you see. When you're picking your topic, bear in mind that it's much simpler to write about something which you currently have interest ineven in case you don't know a great deal about it. It is preferable to search online because it will save yourself a plenty of time. Finding the most suitable arguments will allow you to prove your point and win. Incredible piles of homework make it practically not possible for students not hoping to discover an assistance and to purchase superior essay papers. Be sure to spell out in what way the answers to the questions would help to rate the conclusion. One of the most usual strategies to discover the topic for discussion is to search for the present problem. Normally, having three significant arguments to demonstrate your point is sufficient for a convincing paper. The mutual interest of each side of the argument is an important element for developing a strong persuasive paper. The variety of body paragraphs will mostly rely on the period of your paper. When you are requested to pick a great topic for your argument, start with something you're acquainted with.
Friday, May 15, 2020
The Character Of Sarah Develope From The Film Labyrinth (...
How does the character of Sarah develope due to those surrounding her in the film labyrinth? â€Å"A complicated irregular network of passages or paths in which it is difficult to find one s way; a maze:†(Oxford Dictionaries:2017) In the 1986 fantasy/action film Labyrinth (Jim Henson:1986) The plot closely follows the story of the protagonist Sarah in this coming of age film. The story follows Sarah on her quest to find her younger brother Toby, who has been kidnapped by the Goblin King, Jareth. Sarah is introduced to a variety of fantasy creatures on her travels through the Labyrinth.(Wikipedia 2017). A few of which assist her on her quest. I am going to analyse how the characters in, labyrinth impact Sarah s character development.The†¦show more content†¦Throughout the first act of the film, just by being introduced to Sarah s family the audience can see that Sarah is a stubborn and selfish character. However, as Sarah is first implied as being elaborate and mean we also see Sarah s considerate side come out as she begs the Goblin King to give Toby back to her. The first character from the labyrinth Sarah is introduced to is the Goblin King Jareth himself, who is the antagonist in the film. Jareth takes Toby as he believes this is what Sarah wants. Throughout the film we see that Sarah is drawn to the character of Jareth, however she also shows annoyance towards the character. We see she initially has an connection to Jareth at the start of the film as she s reading the book. Jareth gives Sarah the opportunity to grow courage and heroic characteristics throughout the film. He does this by taunting her. We see that Sarah s character develop as she gains courage and becomes heroic in the last act when she defeated Jareth. Jareth says at the beginning of the second act when they are both outside the labyrinth â€Å"Go back to your room, play with your toys. When Jareth says this, it suggests Sarah is childish. However this can also be perceived as Jareth taunting Sarah into taking up his challenge of the labyrinth. We then see Sarah pluck up the courage to follow out this challenge. Another example of Jareth testing Sarah is when he makes Hoggle give Sarah the peach. Sarah eats the peach
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay about Taxi in Hemingways The Sun Also Rises
Taxi in Hemingways The Sun Also Rises The taxi went up the hill, passed the lighted square, then on into the dark, still climbing, then leveled out onto a dark street behind St. Etienne du Mont, went smoothly down the asphalt, passed the trees and the sanding bus at the Place de la Contrescarpe, then turned onto the cobbles of the Rue Mouffetard. There we lighted bars and late open shops on each side of the street. We were sitting apart and we jolted close together going down the old street. Brett’s hat was off. Her head was back. I saw her face in the lights from the open shops, then it was dark, then I saw her face clearly as we came out on the Avenue de Gobelins. The street was torn up and men were working on the car-tracks by†¦show more content†¦The taxi is a terrible entity which kidnaps Jake and Brett from one sidereal pit of sameness and only delivers them to the same place in the end. Rather than allowing them the freedom of mobility, in truth its main function, the taxi is incapable of doing any thing but regurgitating them at the same place it swallowed. Jake and Brett ride away from one bar in a taxi, with no destination in mind, only to arrive at another bar. This scene as a whole shows the cyclical nature of their relationship, and as a metaphor represents the ennui of the â€Å"Lost Generation†in Paris. Just as Jake and Brett take a taxi ride to nowhere, the entire population rides a taxi to nowhere. Brett is constantly searching for an escape from her misery, which is caused primarily by her being lost in the mire of the modern Parisian atmosphere, where the streets are being torn up and rebuilt for no apparent reason. When in Paris, neither of them grow or change, they are just rebuilt during each night of drinking. Not only is their existence within Paris dictated by nothing but caprice, their very reactions are dependent upon modernity. In the car, Jake and Brett are forced together by the bumps in the road; not by any personal initiative. Their relationship, which is shrouded in wretchedness and indecision, is nothing but a series ofShow MoreRelated Ernest Hemingway and Fitzgerald on the Expatriate Experiance1402 Words  | 6 PagesYoure an expatriate. Youve lost touch with the soil. You get precious. Fake European standards have ruined you. You drink yourself to death. You become obsessed with sex. You spend all your time talking, not working. You are an expatriate, see? (Sun Also Rises, 115)1 Paris in the 1920s was a place that seemed to embody dynamic artistic achievement. Many of the great artists of modernist movements were either there or had passed through at some point. It became the living embodiment of the oldRead MoreThe Sun Also Rises : Jake Barnes Ernest Hemingway - a Comparison3277 Words  | 14 PagesHemingways The Sun Also Rises Jake Barnes Ernest Hemingway – A Comparison â€Å"Hey, Kitty, said Ernest, Im taking your advice. Im writing a novel full of plot and drama. He gestured ahead towards Harold and Bill. Im tearing those bastards apart, he said. Im putting everyone in it and that kike Loeb is the villain.â€Å" - Hemingway (Baker p.234) Table of contents: 1. Setting, Characters Background 2. Impotence War Wound 3. Women 4. San Fermà n 5. Interests Characteristics BibliographyRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1567 Words  | 7 Pagesliquor was cheaper†(Fitzgerald 112, My Lost City). The 1920s was an innovated evolution, away from traditional morals of many Americans to those values less conservative and open-minded. F. Scott Fitzgerald’s, The Great Gatsby, and Ernest Hemingway’s, The Sun Also Rises, act as an exploration of Americans’ shift in values, post-World War One (WWI). These authors do so by commenting on the excessive partying and drinking, the falsification of relationships, and the lost generation of the veterans who foughtRead MoreThe Sun Also Rises By Ernest Hemingway Essay1676 Words  | 7 PagesErnest Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises presents an interesting commentary on the fluidity of gender roles and the effects of stepping outside of the socially constructed binary approach to gender. Jake’s impotence and his inability to win Brett romantically results in a struggle with masculinity and inadequacy. Brett, possessing many masculine attributes, serves as a foil and embodies the masculinity the men in the novel lack. 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Hemingway and Faulkner capture this by using different writing styles to show how the characters cope with th eir emotions and feelings from the setback. Hemingway writes simplistic sentences to show how Jake Barnes putsRead More The Sun Also Rises1869 Words  | 8 Pagesâ€Å"Fiesta: The Sun Also Rises†from the American Ernest Hemingway takes the reader in an after World War One Europe. More precisely this novel is based on men and women that experienced this war, with all its pains, changes and consequences. Hemingways narrator , Jack Barnes, is an American journalist who suffers a war-wound that leads him to an emotional wound. Through the novel division in three books, the reader can see an evolution in Jakes behaviour. He goes from a desperate wounded man livingRead More Comparing Daisy Buchanan of The Great Gatsby and Brett of The Sun Also Rises2630 Words  | 11 Pagesof The Great Gatsby and Brett Ashley of The Sun Also Rises      Written right after the publication of Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises is apparently influenced in many ways. The most obvious of Fitzgeralds influence is manifested in Hemingways portrayal of his heroine, Brett Ashley. Numerous critics have noted and discussed the similarities between Brett and Daisy Buchanan, and rightly so; but the two women also have fundamental differences. Compared to DaisyRead MoreEssay on Character Analysis of Jake Barnes1919 Words  | 8 Pages The pivotal character of Ernest Hemingways novel, The Sun Also Rises is Jake Barnes. He is a man of complex personality--compelling, powerful, restrained, bitter, pathetic, extraordinarily ordinary yet totally human. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Accident Analysis and Prevention
Question: Discuss about the Accident Analysis and Prevention. Answer: Introduction: There is an increasing trend in the drinking habit and drug addiction within the youths globally. Their drug addiction and drinking habit often becomes a problem for them as well as for the other people in the society. In addition, people are now addicted with their mobile phones so much that they use it even while driving (Armstrong et al., 2014). This report tries to focus on the need for spreading awareness amongst people so that they can take care of their life. Through this, report the need for the NGO named Beyond Blue to be engaged in social marketing and awareness has been focused. The report starts with a brief survey of the existing literature in this regards and then highlights the focus of the campaign. A SWOT analysis has been done followed by the reason behind choosing the targeted market has been provided. A catchy message and the effectiveness of that message have been evaluated. Through a concluding stanza the findings of the report has been summarized. Chosen Organization and Academic Literature: The Australia based non-profitable organization named Beyond Blue has been chosen for this report. It has been in operation since October 2000. The birth of this organization has been through the initiative of territory governments and the Australian Federal. The main motto of this organization is to deal with the depression, mental disorder and anxiety of the different age-group of people (www.beyondblue.org.au, 2017). According to the report published by Federal Trade Commission, around 4,700 youth die from consumption of alcohol. Globally around 10,322 people died and 345000 people were injured because of impaired driving (www.tac.vic.gov.au, 2017). Literature on this topic also suggests that drunk driving or driving while using mobile phone is not only fatal for the person but also causes moral hazard (Khezhie Srivastava, 2016). In spite of the fact that there have been several deaths over the years due to these two factors, still very few literatures have been able to capture the true essence of the actual loss caused by these two factors. The gap lies in the literature, as the life of people needs to be converted in monetary terms to capture the loss. Different nation gives different weight-age to peoples life and thereby the gaps exist in the literature. Campaign Focus: Beyond blue is going to organize or launch a new campaign named Alive Today, Alive Tomorrow. The campaign has been named as Alive Today, Alive Tomorrow as only if binge drinking can be controlled, the number of accidents can be reduced and thereby the youths would get a scope to live in tomorrow. Through this campaign, it is going to focus on the betterment and raise awareness amongst youths engaged in binge drinking and addicted towards their mobile phone. This is going to be a new campaign for the organization. There is a serious need to implement proper marketing strategies for the organization working for a social cause (Vaucher et al., 2016). This concept of social marketing involves development and integration of various concepts of marketing to influence the behavior of the people and drive their conduct in the betterment of the communities (French Gordon, 2015). This upcoming campaign is going to focus on two arenas, namely to identify the addicted youths and make them aware of the consequences. In addition, this campaign also focuses on providing guidance through which the parents of the adolescents and the youths can understand the ways in which they should communicate with their growing kids. SWOT Analysis: The internal factors existing within the organization, which helps in identifying the gaps of the organization, can be done through SWOT analysis. In case of Beyond Blues the SWOT analysis has been presented below: Strength The main strength of this NGO is that it has been built up with the initiative take by the Australian government. The organization has been involved in dealing with people of different age-groups. Last year in 2016, this organization has been recognized within the top 3 organization in Australia (www.beyondblue.org.au, 2017). Weakness Beyond blue does not have any prior experience to campaign for the cause of drunk driving and technical addiction (www.tac.vic.gov.au, 2017. Since, the organization has not yet dealt with this factor, therefore, the organization lacks in the infrastructure that is needed to take care of rowdy, drug addicted youths. Opportunity Being listed as amongst the top 3 organization in itself is a great opportunity to attract funding which can smoothen their functioning (www.beyondblue.org.au, 2017). The organization has been dealing with peoples depression and anxiety. This is greatly related to the new campaigning that they are going to introduce. Threats There are several NGOs working in Australia who possess a tough competition to this organization (www.tac.vic.gov.au, 2017). For this upcoming campaign, the organization faces the threat of unacceptability amongst the youths who are engaged in drinking and breaking law and orders. Justification of Target Market: According to data published by Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, it has been observed that on an average an Australian takes their first dose of alcohol between 16 and 17 years of age (www.aihw.gov.au, 2017). In addition, the report published by National Drug Strategy Household Survey also states that average Australian get into their habit of smoking in during this age (www.aihw.gov.au, 2017). This clearly indicates the fact that young adults and youths are the most vulnerable section of the society. They are also under peer pressure and have the notion of following the trends blindly (Klauer et al., 2014). This is the primary reason behind Beyond Blue to target the youths in their campaign. In addition, the youths are the future human capital of an economy and the pillars of the society. Hence, their bad habits are going to hamper the society in general and the upbringing of the future generation (Dibbs, 2014). Social Marketing and 4Ps: The approach through which any organization plans to develop strategies focusing on the peoples behavior and tries to channelize their behavior in the benefits of others is known as social marketing (Inoue Kent, 2014). Through this report, the 4Ps of marketing has been highlighted which the chosen organization is going to adopt in their upcoming campaign. Product: The first Ps in any marketing strategy is Product. The concept of products includes anything that can satisfy the utility of the consumer. It can be both tangible and intangible in nature. The product for the upcoming social campaigning is not any tangible commodity but the service provided by the employees of the organization. Here, the employees and the volunteers are highly enthusiastic in service and catering to the well-beings of the people. The range of services that they are going to provide to the Australians through their campaign starts from highlighting the consequences of drunk driving and usage of mobile while driving (WHO, 2013). On the next step, they are going to select the regions with the highest record of accidents caused due to drunk driving took place. In those regions, they are going to identify the youths and try to make them more responsible through counseling and rehabilitation (Livingston Jiang, 2013). The final service that they are going to provide to the Australians is to set up an interaction zone whereby the parents of youths can interact and learn the ways in which they would communicate with their growing kids. Recent news suggests that there have been several drunk driving cases recorded in Australia (Olding Levy, 2016). This may prevent or reduce the death toll caused by drunk driving. Price: According to famous sayings, Theres no Free-Lunch, the service provided by the non-profitable organization is not free of charge. Like every other things it also has a price but the difference is that the price is not borne by the Australian people who is going to be benefitted from this service. The price or cost of organizing a campaign varies in many directions like cost incurred in advertisement, venue cost, cost incurred on the day of campaigns and few other such costs The organization is going to raise funds, which is going to cover up their costs. In addition, Beyond Blue is going to request the Australian Federal to provide them with the necessary grants. Place: Place is an important factor in any marketing strategy. If the product is not placed strategically then it cannot catch peoples attention. In this case, Blue Beyond should start their campaigns in densely populated cities of Australia. They are going to held open-air campaigns and street plays too attract youths and convey them the social message. In addition, the campaign is going to be held in different university campuses and during the social gatherings in any high schools and university programs. Promotion: There is a subtle need for advertisement about the campaigning. In todays world advertisement through social media is the best way to reach out to mass people. The targeted market of youths always remains active in different networking sites and henceforth they can be made aware of this campaign through it. In addition to it, the different other types of media can be engaged to promote the social cause. Advertisement through print media, television media can be utilized optimally to reach out to targeted audience as well as to the whole society (Stephen et al., 2017). The news can also be spread to the people by putting up a electronic board carrying the message which would be set up beside different major traffic signals. Catchy message: A short message along with jingles can help to spread awareness and promote the campaign that is going to be held by Beyond Blues. The message that they want to spread is: Alive Today, Alive Tomorrow Evaluation of the effectiveness of message: In order to understand the success of any marketing strategy, the organization implementing it must go through post implementation evaluation program (Scott-Parker Oviedo-Trespalacios, 2017). In this case, the NGO is going to evaluate the effectiveness of their advertisement after two months of its first publication of the advertisement. The NGO is going to check out the accident statistics from the localitys cops and from the local government. A significant reduction in the number of drunk driving cases is going to imply that the message has impact on the society (Macy et al., 2016). Conclusion: The report can be summarized by stating that there has been a increasing trend in the accidents caused due to drunk driving and texting while driving. Social marketing of the chosen organization and the campaign that they plan to launch may be helpful in reducing this mishap. Beyond Blue is going to focus on the youths through their different strategies. They are going to spread awareness, help in reducing life loss and help the youths to maintain a healthy relationship between their family life and social life. References: Armstrong, K. A., Watling, H., Watson, A., Davey, J. (2014). Profile of women detected drink driving via Roadside Breath Testing (RBT) in Queensland, Australia, between 2000 and 2011.Accident Analysis Prevention,67, 67-74. beyondblue. (2017). Beyondblue.org.au. Retrieved 25 January 2017, from https://www.beyondblue.org.au/ Chambers, G. (2016). Mums car hits baby in pram. Theaustralian.com.au. Retrieved 28 January 2017, from https://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/nation/baby-dies-after-car-driven-by-mother-hits-pram-in-woodridge/news-story/4958aa4e05f005ca46e7a688000ae232 Data (AIHW). (2017). Aihw.gov.au. Retrieved 25 January 2017, from https://www.aihw.gov.au/data/ Dibb, S. (2014). Up, up and away: Social marketing breaks free.Journal of Marketing Management,30(11-12), 1159-1185. Drink driving statistics - TAC - Transport Accident Commission. (2017). Tac.vic.gov.au. Retrieved 25 January 2017, from https://www.tac.vic.gov.au/road-safety/statistics/summaries/drink-driving-statistics Effective drink driving prevention and enforcement strategies: Approaches to improving practice. (2017). Aic.gov.au. Retrieved 25 January 2017, from https://www.aic.gov.au/publications/current%20series/tandi/461-480/tandi472.html French, J., Gordon, R. (2015).Strategic social marketing. Sage. Inoue, Y., Kent, A. (2014). A conceptual framework for understanding the effects of corporate social marketing on consumer behavior.Journal of Business Ethics,121(4), 621-633. Khezhie, P., Srivastava, A. (2016). Mobile Phone Addiction among College Students.Int. J. of Multidisciplinary and Current research,4. Klauer, S. G., Guo, F., Simons-Morton, B. G., Ouimet, M. C., Lee, S. E., Dingus, T. A. (2014). Distracted driving and risk of road crashes among novice and experienced drivers.New England journal of medicine,370(1), 54-59. Livingston, M., Jiang, H. (2013, August). Alcohol consumption and traffic and non-traffic accidents in Australia, 1924-2006. InInternational Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety (T2013), 20th, 2013, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Macy, M. L., Carter, P. M., Bingham, C. R., Cunningham, R. M., Freed, G. L. (2014). Potential distractions and unsafe driving behaviors among drivers of 1-to 12-year-old children.Academic pediatrics,14(3), 279-286. Olding, R. Levy, M. (2016). Family mourn uni student Nicole Lewanski, killed in Wolli Creek crash. The Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved 28 January 2017, from https://www.smh.com.au/nsw/family-mourn-uni-student-nicole-lewanski-killed-in-wolli-creek-crash-20161214-gtbjj3.html Scott-Parker, B., Oviedo-Trespalacios, O. (2017). Young driver risky behaviour and predictors of crash risk in Australia, New Zealand and Colombia: same but different?.Accident Analysis Prevention,99, 30-38. Stephens, A. N., Bishop, C. A., Liu, S., Fitzharris, M. (2017). Alcohol consumption patterns and attitudes toward drink-drive behaviours and road safety enforcement strategies.Accident Analysis Prevention,98, 241-251. Vaucher, P., Michiels, W., Lambert, S. J., Favre, N., Perez, B., Baertschi, A., ... Gache, P. (2016). Benefits of short educational programmes in preventing drink-driving recidivism: A ten-year follow-up randomised controlled trial.International Journal of Drug Policy,32, 70-76. World Health Organization. Violence, Injury Prevention, World Health Organization. (2013).Global status report on road safety 2013: supporting a decade of action. World Health Organization.
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